十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 offers the appeal of a small, 私立大学, with the name recognition and prestige of a major research university. Our goal is to help you reach your goals—educational, personal, professional.
- 21 学士学位, 5 准度,加上无数 小程序
- 12:3 师生比例
- 194 全职教师
- 2,421 本科生
- 平均年龄 20年
- 53.6% 男性; 45.4% 女
- 4.6% 国际
- 6.4% 黑人或非裔美国人
- 7.7% 西班牙裔或拉丁裔
- 4.3% 亚洲
- 889 学校提供校内住宿空间
再加上更多的校外住宿 - 60+ 学生社团及组织
- 15 NCAA第三级运动队
另外,还有俱乐部球队和校内比赛 - 的学生 39 州和 43 国家
- 42,000+ 阿尔图纳校友
十大网投平台信誉排行榜全球分校的一部分 750,000+ 校友网络排名第一 学院杂志
十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 is an undergraduate college of Penn State, one of the nation’s largest and most widely recognized academic institutions. The campus enrolls nearly 2,500 students and offers 21个学士学位. 也有 五个副学士学位 along with the first two years of study leading to more than 275 baccalaureate majors offered throughout Penn State.
十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校接受学生 转移 from all Penn State campuses, community colleges, other accredited colleges and universities.
Located in beautiful central 宾西法尼亚, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的两个校区 服务于一个不断成长和充满活力的地区. 171年.5英亩的 Ivyside校园 包括一些学术建筑, 学生宿舍, 运动场和运动场, a reflecting pond (complete with ducks).
动态 市区的校园 features labs for Rail Transportation Engineering, 是程序, 和护理, 还有一个通讯套件, 创业中心, classrooms and offices supporting the college's Business and Accounting programs, 和 Office of Development and 校友 Relations.
十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 四个学生宿舍 provide an on-campus living experience to 889 students. 各种各样的 校外生活 选项也可用.
Port-Sky咖啡馆 饥饿在哪里得到满足. The facility contains a food court with dozens of dining options, 咖啡和烘焙食品中心, 还有两个宽敞的餐厅.
餐计划 are available for students living both on- and off-campus.
罗伯特E. Eiche图书馆
Eiche图书馆 offers a vast collection of textbooks, periodicals, leisure reading materials, DVDs, CDs. 有打印机, 扫描仪, 电脑, 还有一台可用的复印机, plus electronic equipment such as still and video cameras, 笔记本电脑, macbook, 和ipad. 也有 plenty of study rooms and individual study spaces.
图书馆的底层是 学生成功中心 和 写共享, both providing peer and professional tutoring and other academic assistance.
史蒂文一. 阿德勒运动中心
The recently renovated sporting complex includes two gymnasiums, 健身中心, 一个游泳馆, two multi-purpose rooms for various recreation and wellness activities. 它也是我们的家园 校际体育项目, 康乐办公室及设施, 运动学学位课程.
Outdoor athletic facilities include a softball field, 棒球场, 一个多功能运动场, 网球场, 及春跑体育馆, 这里有一条八车道的公路, 全天候跟踪, 足球场, 然后是2,000个座位的看台.
The 阿尔图纳 LaunchBox supported by the Hite family is a no-cost accelerator and co-working space designed to provide early-stage startup companies with the support and resources needed to build and sustain a business. The LaunchBox is part of the Invent Penn State initiative.
The Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence is where many of our business and entrepreneurship programs take place. The Center includes a mini-trade showroom, a business incubator, classrooms, conference rooms.
Sheetz研究员计划 molds students to take on the world through mentoring, 社区服务, 实习, 出国留学, 和研究. 有工作坊, 研讨会, professional development experiences, all designed to prepare students for leadership and citizenship.
The Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts 提供丰富的文化, 执行, visual art programs throughout the year for 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 和 community. 该中心包括一个400个座位的剧院, 舞蹈工作室, 服装和布景店, 艺术工作室, 和Mac电脑实验室. Additional events are hosted in the McLanahan and Sheetz Art Galleries 和 Titelman Study.
The Center for 学生与公民参与 provides opportunities for students to connect with each other 和 community. 通过中心, students can join clubs and organizations, 服务校园,引领校园, participate in different forms of civic engagement. Being involved means students actively engage themselves to become better citizens and make a difference.
Engaged scholarship consists of out-of-classroom academic experiences that complement in-class learning.
- 出国留学/出国留学项目 provide opportunities for students to be challenged by learning in social and cultural environments very different from those in which they grew up and traditionally study.
- 社区研究中心 engages students in real-world problem-solving opportunities that tap the knowledge, 技能, perspectives they are developing in their academic studies.
- 实习 are vitally important for today’s college students. Nine out of ten employers indicate that they are more likely to hire a recent college graduate if they have had a successful internship; more than 40 percent of new college hires come directly from an employer’s internship pool.
- 的机会 Undergraduate 研究 and Creative Inquiry abound at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校; many students begin their research experience in their freshman year.
Through these transformative out-of-the-classroom experiences, students receive personal attention from 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 faculty, the opportunity to team with fellow students on short or long-term projects, 和 chance to interact with faculty at other campuses, 访问学者, 以及研究生/博士后. At other institutions of higher education, such personal mentoring from faculty is usually only available to senior graduate students; at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 这是常态.